Hehe, už máš ten citát nad vchodem pro šlechtu?
Tohle je vážné:
Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose
To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude,
And in the calmest and most stillest night,
With all appliances and means to boot,
Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down!
Henry IV. Part II, Act III, Scene I
Jojo, Shakespeare, snažila jsem se odchytit na artu aspoň pár inscenací, co tam dávali k výročí. Povedlo se mi to právě u Jindřicha IV, jak jsem jezdila pozdě z práce, víc jsem Eružel nestihla
Škoda, že jsem nikde nenašla v originále "The hollow crown".
Určitě jsi to četla na TORNu, ale dávám to sem, dvě básně, které se mi líbí a kupodivu ta první víc:
"Folly’s Last Stand"
by The Grey ElfFeverish wiles
crackle in a sulfurous brain
Flesh flambé
excites hunger unreined
Flickery tongue
gloats with red-hot barbs tormenting
Flaming ego
fuels a pyro’s spleen
Fracking rages
mine the faults of a kingdom cold
Ferreous scales
hide a heart of gold
Filthy riches
possess a blood-anointed king
Forbidding oaths
fly on gargoyle wings
Fate’s arrow
pricks like lightning and burns a mortal brand
Fabled pride
snuffs out at
Folly’s last stand
“Witness of My Dreams”
by Lady ArwenIn Valinor , up in Elerrína’s green
from above I stare down at Middle-Earth
There by the wind I honor the world beneath
with a breath I feel my home of birth.
Home, home of the love inside me
home of my eternal being
All the things I believe…
O’ Nénar , O’ Soronúmë , my Elven stars
back to my world , Elvenhome I returned
With teary eyes I touch flowers and the leaves,
enchanted by the magic being reborned.
Being, being of the Eldar
Being of the folken-Star
As it was my memories …
Singing and dancing by the Lórellin
The leaves on the water , the faces in light
Rána and the Stars covering all over the land
And the Valar watching, over the Music bright.
Music, Music of the Creation of Arda
Music of Manwë and Aulë and Varda
All the Ainúr who sang the Song…
Then I heard there of Ilúvatar The One
“Behold! Give this witness to those thee trust
Sing them the song of the Glory of the Elves
And make them belive they will never be lost.“
Witness is, witness of all you dreamed
Witness is, your fate as it deemed
forever with Eärendil…
Then all the Land stood silent
And the Elves ended their song
I woke with wonder, and my witness
was a Silmaril from the Ages of long.
Jeden dotaz na závěr: odkud je proEru tohle?
http://38.media.tumblr.com/5b4a9ff98ce6 ... r1_250.gifAdded on 15th July:na TORNu je odkaz na test, kterémuže trpaslíku se jeden podobá - pro všechny případy:
http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/which- ... it-are-youNeuhádneš, co vyšlo mně!
Congratulations, you are most like GLOIN, brother of Oin and father to Gimli of later fame in the Fellowship of the Ring. Out of Thorin Oakenshield’s company, Gloin is the most outspoken and opinionated. You value facts and evidence over speculation, and will stand by what you believe in. You believe that gathering information on what has happened in the past, how it was righted previously, and doing things the tried and tested way is the best method to solve problems in the present. You like to get things done in an effective, systematic and methodical way, no messing about. Your sense of certainty and forward speaking manner makes you quick to communicate you expectations and opinions. Your frankness and forthrightness can be mistaken for arrogance.
Gloin is very loyal to the Company. He is also the only married Dwarf amongst them, and with a shortage of female dwarves in general, this is a sign of his dedication and faithfulness. You take all your obligations in you work and social life very seriously. Your hard work often pays off in reaching your goals, furthering your position within your organisation, and strengthening your bonds between friends and family. You are fiercely faithful to any endeavours you commit yourself to, and will defend the values of any groups you belong to. You are somewhat traditional in enjoying customs such as weddings and holiday observation, and upholding cultural and family traditions.
Your Analysis:
You scored 56% on Extroversion, higher than 78% of your peers.
You scored 41% on Intuition, higher than 9% of your peers.
You scored 19% on Attachment, higher than 6% of your peers.
You scored 66% on Organisation, higher than 79% of your peers.
Tzv. smíšené pocity! A rozhodně, v tomhle se mýlí, a to tak, že velmi: Your frankness and forthrightness can be mistaken for arrogance. To teda ani omylem, já jsem arogantní a s chutí!
Added on 22nd July:Hle, co jsem našla TORNu: čtenářský seznam knih, sestavený teda pozoruhodně, ale schválně, kolik knih jsi četla Ty? Já jsem napočítala 48, ale bez Harryho Pottera a kompletního Shakespeara
http://newboards.theonering.net/forum/g ... _expanded;