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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: úte led 28, 2014 7:42 pm 
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:lol: Neskutečné!

Díky za linky, hlavně ty s kartami, nebo jak bych to nazvala, nejenom Sherlock and Co., ale ani já jsem si neuvědomila, jak se obohatím, poslední dva "vážnější" linky jsou fakt studnice. :lol:

Mno, tak DVA takové sluhy, to bych snad nedala ani já, a že jsem měla tendenci je chvílemi vybraným jedincům i závidět!

Trocha biologie in AJ:
If you bite it and you die, it is poisonous.
If it bites you and you die, it is venomous.

Tohle není legrace, tohle je pravda! ... r1_500.png

Zlatá slova:
I think that people are like books:
Everyone has a cover that we all see but you have to read the pages to be truly able to understand and judge the content
We find books that we like
We find books that we never forget, that comes into our lives and make a mark in our souls
We find books that wasn’t our type, but maybe it taught us something along the way
We find books that we love and want to keep with us forever
Books teach us love, hate, compassion, jealousy, loyalty, treason, longing, happiness, sadness, it shows us death and life
People are the same

Ještě zlatější slova (promiň, Smaugu):
"People think of education as something they can finish."
Isaac Asimov

Krávy stokrát jinak a (skoro) fšude:
Socialism: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbor.
Communism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk.
Fascism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and sells you some milk.
Nazism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and shoots you.
Bureaucratism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away.
Traditional Capitalism: You have 2 cows. You sell one and buy a bull. You herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
An American Corporation: You have 2 cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow dropped dead.
A French Corporation: You have 2 cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
Japanese Corporation: You have 2 cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market them Worldwide.
An Italian Corporation: You have 2 cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch.
A Swiss Corporation: You have 5000 cows. None of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them.
Chinese Corporation: You have 2 cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers.
An Iraqi Corporation: Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No one believes you and they bomb your arse. You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy.......
Counter Culture: 'Wow, dig it, like there's these 2 cows, man, grazing in the hemp field. You gotta have some of this milk!'
Surrealism: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
Apathyologism: You have 2 cows. You do not care.
Fatalist: You have 2 doomed cows...
Atheism: You have 2 cows. There is no God.
A West-Country Corporation: You have 2 cows. That one on the left is kinda cute.
A Brazilian Corporation: You have 2 cows. You pay taxes for 6 cows. You have to sell one cow in order to pay the taxes. Your remaining cow gets sick and dies while waiting for availability in the public vet hospital.
Russia: You have two cows. Since they are both female, if you happen to keep them in the same stable you will pay a 5,000 rouble fine for homosexual propaganda.
PETA: You have two cows. You kill them both. You then use naked women to convince other people that killing cows is wrong.
Moffat:You have two cows. Both of them are your daughters time traveling from the past where they had a brief love affair with Da Vinci making you the rightful Queen of England. As you assume the throne, you throw them off a building.
An Irish Corporation: You have a million cows because they're everywhere
Tumblr: You have 2 cows. You ship them together and make GIF posts screaming about how much you love your cows, but they should stop existing because they are so perfect.
Also Tumblr: I give you a hamburger.
Night Vale: You do NOT have two cows. Cows do not exist. What's a cow? Show me a cow! That's not a cow! Who let you in here?
Cows: The shit you go through.

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: pát úno 14, 2014 12:03 am 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 7:49 pm
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Bydliště: Scottish Highlands, (temp. NYC, NY)
UFY musím uznat, že v některých jsem se našla. Zejména tyto: ... racter.jpg ... o1_500.png
http://nightsofpassion.files.wordpress. ... ecard2.jpg

Marischka píše:
Zlatá slova:
I think that people are like books:
Everyone has a cover that we all see but you have to read the pages to be truly able to understand and judge the content
We find books that we like
We find books that we never forget, that comes into our lives and make a mark in our souls
We find books that wasn’t our type, but maybe it taught us something along the way
We find books that we love and want to keep with us forever
Books teach us love, hate, compassion, jealousy, loyalty, treason, longing, happiness, sadness, it shows us death and life
People are the same
Málokterý citát je tak výstižný.

Krávy jsou nedoceněnou učební pomůckou. Kdyby každému už na ZŠ rozdali minikartičku s tímhle textem, ušetří se hodiny (nebo spíš roky) studia a vysvětlování (stylem házení hrachu na zeď). :twisted:

"I was a catholic until I reached the age of reason."
"If you're a gay already, OK, but no new gays. That's it!"
"Sorry, I can't meet you Sunday afternoon - need to finish that exciting daydream episode I just started."

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: čtv úno 27, 2014 6:55 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 2:44 pm
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Bydliště: Kolín
Tak, tak, taky moje oblíbené, pak nemá mít jeden, teda jedna, problém s návratem do reality. :twisted:

Stran krav: i voly by bylo lze v krajní nouzi použít!

Jazyková záležitost: ... 1_1280.jpg ... 2_1280.jpg
I was once told that German is only badly spoken Swedish anyway. :D

Tohle se mě už sice netýká, ale některých okolo mě ano a obávám se, že zas tak veselé to být nemusí, když na to přijde,...
How to get into college in 1983: get good grades
How to get into college in 2013: get good grades, speak six languages, be a rocket scientist, and end world hunger

How to pay for college 1983: Work part time and summers. Maybe take out minimal loans.
How to pay for college 2013: Which of your organs is the most valuable?

What to do with your degree in 1983: work in your field
What to do with your degree in 2013: cry

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: čtv bře 20, 2014 8:14 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 7:49 pm
Příspěvky: 4577
Bydliště: Scottish Highlands, (temp. NYC, NY)
Realita - was ist das? Ono je někdy těžké se soustředit, co kdo povídá, když je jeden na jiné planetě (alespoň tedy duchem určitě). :twisted:

To jistě, zvlášt při návštěvě politika či zaměstnance městského úřadu. Ale na druhou stranu školní jídelna tak tratí na čerstvém mléku pro děti. :D

A pak že severské jazyky jsou složité. :P

Vzdělání tehdy a teď - ty tedy umíš potěšit, jen co je pravda. :twisted:

"I was a catholic until I reached the age of reason."
"If you're a gay already, OK, but no new gays. That's it!"
"Sorry, I can't meet you Sunday afternoon - need to finish that exciting daydream episode I just started."

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: čtv dub 03, 2014 4:52 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 2:44 pm
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Rogue Tonks píše:
Realita - was ist das? Ono je někdy těžké se soustředit, co kdo povídá, když je jeden na jiné planetě (alespoň tedy duchem určitě). :twisted:

Proč je mi to jenom tak povědomé? :twisted:

Rogue Tonks píše:
To jistě, zvlášt při návštěvě politika či zaměstnance městského úřadu. Ale na druhou stranu školní jídelna tak tratí na čerstvém mléku pro děti. :D

Chtěla jsem ještě připojit zaměstnance stavebního úřadu, ale ti spadají pod ten městskej,.... :evil:

Sense of distance:
• Europeans: I drove forty minutes to the Netherlands for some groceries and then I popped into Germany to see some of my relatives before driving back home.
• Americans: I was in Florida, I drove for nine hours, now I'm still in Florida.
• Australians: I drove for nine hours, now I'm nine hours away from home, no one is here, the streets are empty, how did this happen, where has civilisation gone, I am alone in the universe, oh wait no there's an echidna - it's okay.

Eružel až příliš pravda: ... o1_500.jpg

Bluma obdržel hvězdu na chodníku slávy v Hollywoodu, to není vtip, ale zábavná skutečnost,.... žádný apríl,...

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: pon dub 28, 2014 7:33 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 7:49 pm
Příspěvky: 4577
Bydliště: Scottish Highlands, (temp. NYC, NY)
Marischka píše:
Rogue Tonks píše:
Realita - was ist das? Ono je někdy těžké se soustředit, co kdo povídá, když je jeden na jiné planetě (alespoň tedy duchem určitě). :twisted:
Proč je mi to jenom tak povědomé? :twisted:
Protože to na nás pekelně sedí. :twisted:

Marischka píše:
Sense of distance:
• Europeans: I drove forty minutes to the Netherlands for some groceries and then I popped into Germany to see some of my relatives before driving back home.
• Americans: I was in Florida, I drove for nine hours, now I'm still in Florida.
• Australians: I drove for nine hours, now I'm nine hours away from home, no one is here, the streets are empty, how did this happen, where has civilisation gone, I am alone in the universe, oh wait no there's an echidna - it's okay.
Tohle mi připomíná ty věčné hádky o tom, proč neevropané (čti obyvatelé USA/Austrálie) nejsou nejlepší v zemáku. Není divu, když se bez letadle nemají šanci kam dostat. :twisted:

Marischka píše:
Pravda pravdoucí. :lol:

Marischka píše:
Bluma obdržel hvězdu na chodníku slávy v Hollywoodu, to není vtip, ale zábavná skutečnost,.... žádný apríl,...
Jen čekám, kdy dostane svou hvězdu i ten opičák z George z džungle. Byl daleko duchaplnější a podle jeho show v LV na konci filmu i lepší herec. :lol:

"I was a catholic until I reached the age of reason."
"If you're a gay already, OK, but no new gays. That's it!"
"Sorry, I can't meet you Sunday afternoon - need to finish that exciting daydream episode I just started."

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: čtv črc 10, 2014 9:04 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 2:44 pm
Příspěvky: 5759
Bydliště: Kolín
Marischka píše:
Bluma obdržel hvězdu na chodníku slávy v Hollywoodu, to není vtip, ale zábavná skutečnost,.... žádný apríl,...
Jen čekám, kdy dostane svou hvězdu i ten opičák z George z džungle. Byl daleko duchaplnější a podle jeho show v LV na konci filmu i lepší herec. :lol:[/quote]

:lol: Svatá pravda, fakt jsem se pobavila, a to tak, že velmi! :mrgreen:

A teď vážně - ten, kdo to publikoval, s tím má problém. Poctivě přiznávám, že já taky! :twisted: ... o1_500.jpg

Když už jsme s v té lingvistice:
The best thing about French:
• Person: "Ça va?"
• Other person: "Ça va. Ça va?"
• Person: "Ça va."

Ehm, angličtina na to potřebuje 2 x How do you do? Stejný počet slabik, ale francouzštině stačí 16 písmen, v angličtině je jich 20. Tuhle malou statistiku jsem si udělala sama, a pak že nemám, co řešit,... :lol:

Citát nesmí chybět:
"Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul."
Charlie Chaplin in a letter to his daughter

Když si představím, jak chlapi identifikují "naked soul",.... :mrgreen: , je po vážnosti výroku!

Tak přihodím:
"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished."
Dan Gilbert, The psychology of your future self
( ... umblr-link)

Další zajímavé porovnání: ... o1_500.jpg
Kdosi šel ještě dál:
If you read it all together it’s like the most awkward, tense conversation ever.
"My name is Katniss Everdeen," I sighed. Nothing happened.
"I don’t know," he sighed.
Harry looked around, I shake my head and shrugged.
Harry stared. “I am seventeen years old.”
I frowned and he waited.
"My home is District 12."
Harry chuckled and said nothing. Now I wish I had.
I laughed. We looked at each other. I swallowed hard. He shrugged. Harry blinked and hesitates. I flinched.
He looked around. “I’m not really surprised.”
I took a deep breath, something he didn’t have last time. “Something is wrong.”
He didn’t answer. He stood up.

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: stř úno 18, 2015 5:54 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 2:44 pm
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O nechtěných útocích Švýdarska na Lichtejnštejnsko: :D

Lichtenstein be like “they’re invading, but whatever.”
But how do you “accidentally” invade a country?

• On 5 December 1985, rockets fired by the Swiss Army landed in Liechtenstein, causing a forest fire. Compensation was paid.
• On 13 October 1992, following written orders, Swiss Army cadets unknowingly crossed the border and went to Triesenberg to set up an observation post. Swiss commanders had overlooked the fact that Triesenberg was not on Swiss territory. Switzerland apologized to Liechtenstein for the incident.
• In March 2007, a company of 171 Swiss soldiers mistakenly entered Liechtenstein, after taking a wrong turn in the darkness. The troops returned to Swiss territory before they had travelled more than 2 km into the country. The Liechtenstein authorities did not discover the “invaders”, and were informed by the Swiss after the incident. The incident was disregarded by both sides. A Liechtenstein spokesman said “It’s not like they invaded with attack helicopters”

Dobrý komentář k výše uvedenému:
how do you even tell your superior officer I mean
"uh Sir… I’m sorry but I think… we’re not in Switzerland anymore"
"what are you trying to say cadet"
"Sir I think we invaded Liechtenstein."
"…goddamn it, not again."

I want a movie where literally everyone dies. Everyone. Like by some wild natural disaster or something.
It’s just like an hour and a half of showing desolated countries and cities and whatnot. There are no humans left.
And then, with thirty seconds of film left, Sean Bean crawls out from underneath the rubble of a fallen building and starts laughing.
Moje řeč! :lol:

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: úte říj 04, 2016 4:01 pm 
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"Wer arbeitet, macht Fehler, wer viel arbeitet, macht viele Fehler, und wer keine Fehler macht, ist ein fauler Hund."
Elmar von Lukowicz
Those who work make mistakes, those who work a lot make many mistakes, and those who don’t make mistakes are lazy dogs.
Česky: Kdo nic nedělá nic nezkazí, volně přeloženo: Kdo dělá, udělá i chyby, kdo dělá hodně, nadělá hodně chyb a ti, co chyby nedělají, jsou líní jako vši.

Every book you’ve ever read is just a different combination of 26 letters.
Každá kniha, krou jsi přečetl, je pouze různou kombinací 26 písmen.
Z toho by jeden usoudil, že něco napsat nemůže být tak těžké! 8)

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: úte kvě 23, 2017 7:05 pm 
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"I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work."
Thomas A. Edison

"Neudělal jsem chybu, jen jsem pouze našel 10 000 způsobů, které nefungovaly."
Thomas A. Edison

:D To je dobré si občas říkat!

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Texty
OdeslatNapsal: ned říj 29, 2017 10:01 pm 
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Registrován: sob úno 18, 2006 2:44 pm
Příspěvky: 5759
Bydliště: Kolín
People are really STRANGE beings:

Supporting evidence:
1. Humans say ‘ow’, even if they haven’t actually been hurt. It’s just a thing they say when they think they might have been hurt, but aren’t sure yet.
2. Humans collect shiny things and decorate their bodies and nests with them. The shinier the better, although each individual has a unique taste for style and colouring
3. Humans are not an aquatic or even amphibious species, but they flock to bodies of water simply to play in it. They can’t even hold their breath all that long; they just love to splash!
4. When night falls and the sky goes dark, humans become drowsy and begin to cocoon themselves in soft, fluffy bedding.
5. Some humans spend time in each other’s nests! Just for fun! It’s not their nest; they’re just visiting each other.
6. Some humans use pigments and dyes to make their bodies flashy and colourful! They even attach shiny dangly bits to their cartalidgous membranes!
7. Humans are very clever, and sometimes adopt creatures from other species into their family units. They don’t seem to notice the obvious differences, and often raise them alongside their own young!
8. If a human sees another creature in distress, they can commonly be observed trying to help! Even at their own risk, most humans are deeply compassionate creatures!
9. If a human hears a particularity catchy sound or tune, it will often mimic it, even to the point of annoying themselves!
10. Sneezes are entirely involuntary, and completely adorable. Especially when the human in question becomes frustrated
11. Humans love treats!!! Some more than others. Many humans will save these treats specifically for a later date when they are in need of comfort or reassurance. IE, pickles, pop tarts, Popsicles, etc
12. They’re learning to travel in space!!! They can’t get very far, but they’re trying!!! So far, they’ve made it to the end of their yard, and have found rocks

This sounds like it was written by a really enthusiastic alien humanologist.

Od laoih, samozřejmě.

Obrázek Obrázek

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