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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: sob led 03, 2015 2:44 pm 
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je zároveň posledním z úžasné stránky, jejíž autor už bohužel končí, ale všechny příspěvky budou ještě rok na této stránce k dispozici.
Fotogalerie rozšířená o snímky z BOTFA:

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: stř úno 18, 2015 5:25 pm 
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Interview s Joem Letterim, zodpovědným za vizuální efekty v TH (imho někdy až moc - myslím efekty, ne zodpovědnost): ... upervisor/

Ze stránky amatérská poezie:
In the Mist Upon the River

by Mrs Adam C.

In the mist upon the river
Still I stand and silent shiver
As the reed beds wind-swept quiver
In the wind upon the river.

In the wind upon the river
Silver foams the waters driven
By a slender vessel riven
Wreathed in mist upon the river.

Wreathed in mist upon the river
Grey the vessel silent drifting
Twisting currents ever shifting
Borne upon the flowing river.

Borne upon the flowing river
Turns the Elven vessel, staying
Motionless its burden laying
Lapped within the crystal river.

Lapped within the crystal river
Lies a pale warrior sleeping
Shredded mist about him creeping
Still before me on the River.

Still before me on the river
Marked with numerous wounds bitter
In his dark hair droplets glitter
Tossed like jewels by the river.

Tossed like jewels by the river
Are the tears that bathe my brother
Vain I wish it was another
Borne in death upon the river.

Borne in death upon the river
Clasped with leaves of golden shimmer
In his hands his blade-shards glimmer
Washed clean by the flowing river.

Washed clean by the flowing river
Long dark locks with care arrayed
At his head his round shield laid
Shining faintly in the river.

Shining faintly in the river
Emerald brooch wrought ‘neath the trees
His cloak grey-green as linden leaves
Woven with the rippling river.

Woven with the rippling river
Strands of radiance faintly glowing
Like the water round him flowing
Dreaming vision of the river.

Dreaming vision of the river
Granted peace and victory
Beneath your feet, your enemies
Lost to darkness in the river.

Lost to darkness in the river
Your great horn you no longer bear
From distant lands silent you fare
Slipping swiftly down the river.

Slipping swiftly down the river
Slowly spinning your grey boat turns
Borne away never to return
Upon the bosom of the river.

Upon the bosom of the river
Fading the ethereal gleam
Yet I know it was no dream
My brother lost unto the river.

My brother lost unto the river
Passing onward to the sea
There to sleep eternally
In the mist upon the river.

In the mist upon the river
Still I stand and silent shiver.
As the reed beds wind-swept quiver
In the wind upon the river.

~~ * ~~

Khazâd Ai-Mênu!

by Mirelien

The sun glinted off armor of gold
As the thirteen leapt to defend their mountain.
Thorin commanded them, King in his majesty;
Behind him his sister-sons, bearing shield and sword.
Courageous contenders for Erebor’s glory
Against a great army ten thousand orcs strong.

But Thorin was brave, and his bold arm strong.
Long had he waited to reclaim his gold
And now would he win it by works of glory,
Take his throne as rightful King under Mountain:
Raven-crown, Arkenstone, even the Elvish sword
Would seat him in Erebor, accent his majesty.

At his side Fili, heir of his majesty,
Stood at the ready, his lionheart strong
With love for the uncle who forged his first sword.
Armor and hair ‘neath the sun shone bright gold;
Worth more than all treasure in the mountain
His uncle held him and his bright glory.

Kili the valiant came next—not for glory
Fought he, but rather to guard Thorin’s majesty
And that of Erebor, tall Lonely Mountain,
New-found home. Hope made his arm strong
To strike at his foes who would steal the gold
If he failed to keep it with Dwarvish sword.

Dwarvish and Elvish, Mannish and orc sword
Flashed in the sunlight, steel-cold glory.
Silver drew scarlet, streaking the gold
Of heart, hair, and helm, marring their majesty
But not destroying. Their arms were strong
And deadly their blows in defense of their mountain.

At last the long battle ended. A mountain
Of fallen, both friend and foe, stolen by sword
And arrow and axe in the hands of the strong.
Long will the minstrels spin songs of their glory,
Long will they tell of the Durinsons’ majesty,
Striving for hope, for a home and for gold.

All hail the sword and its glittering glory,
All hail the gold in its myriad majesty—
All hail the strong, the Heirs of the Mountain!

~~ * ~~

Od malířství zpět k filmu aneb O prolozích v TH ve srovnání s LOTR:
https://atolkienistperspective.wordpres ... prologues/

.... a pár videí, které tu někde možná jsou a možná ne: ... .be&t=2m9s

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: úte dub 28, 2015 10:51 am 
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K neuvěření, ale stalo se. Andrew Lesnie, režisér LOTRa, Hobbití trilogie a také King Konga a dalších filmů ve spolupráci s P. Jacsonem a jinými (naposledy s R. Crowem) a majitel Oscara za ROTK, zemřel včera, 27.4.2015, na infarkt. Bylo mu pouhých 59 let. ... 7324892475

Neříkal někdo, že géniové umírají mladí? :| :x

Vyjádření Petera Jacsona:
Peter Jackson Remembers Andrew Lesnie

Being an only child, I grew up wondering what it would be like to have a brother. It wasn’t until today, in trying to deal with the terrible news of Andrew’s passing, that I came to realise how much he had become that person for me - someone I could intrinsically love and trust - which I know now means someone who is up for all the good and the bad. Andrew was an irreplaceable part of my family and I am in total disbelief that I’ll never again hear his infectious laugh, nor benefit from his quiet wisdom, or enjoy his generous praise. Andrew created unforgettable, beautiful images on screen, and he did this time and again, because he only ever served what he believed in - he was his own artist, separate from me, but always working generously to make what we were trying to create together better. On set we developed an ability to work together using a minimum of words - a rare meeting of minds. I will always remember turning up, countless times, at five in the morning - all those quiet moments I had with him when I could step on to set and know he was there - unfazed, ready, listening, interested, more importantly - ready to catch me if I faltered. He always had my back. The more anxious I became, the more calm he would be. A solid rock in the unpredictable world we both chose to work in. After 17 years and 8 movies together, the loss of Andrew is very hard to bear.
My heart goes out to Jack and Sam, of whom he was enormously proud and to Marce, who gave him so much happiness.
Dearest Andrew, you never sought nor wanted praise - you never needed to hear how good you were, you only ever cared about doing great work and respecting the work of others. But on behalf of all those who were lucky enough to collaborate with you, love you and in turn, respect your mastery of story, of light and of cinema magic - you are one of the great cinematographers of our time.
Rest in Peace, my friend.

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon zář 26, 2016 7:07 pm 
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A když už jsme u toho, loni, 7.6.2015, zemřel i Sir Christopher Lee, neopakovatelný Saruman. Dožil se 93 let a i tak se to zdá málo,....

Citováno z fóra The Hobbit:

Farewell, Sir Christopher Lee

To say that Christopher Lee was a legend would be an understatement… he was an icon. He will be remembered as one of the greatest actor’s to have lived. Not only was he a brilliant actor, he was a magnificent human being. He was regarded highly by his peers and listening to his extraordinary stories were one of the many perks of working with him.

To hear of his passing is devastating beyond words. To me, he was invincible and immortal, so to come to the realization that he’s gone is truly heartbreaking. All we can do is keep his family and friends in our thoughts and prayers and take comfort in knowing that his legacy will forever continue through his iconic work. Today, I want to remember this great man whose work meant so much to all of us. Christopher, it’s our turn to tell your story.

Be at peace, Wizard.

A vzpomínka Petera Jacsona:

Peter Jackson Remembers Sir Christopher Lee

It is with tremendous sadness that I learnt of the passing of Sir Christopher Lee. He was 93 years old, had not been in his usual good health for some time, but his spirit remained, as always, indomitable.

Christopher spoke seven languages; he was in every sense, a man of the world; well versed in art, politics, literature, history and science. He was scholar, a singer, an extraordinary raconteur and of course, a marvelous actor. One of my favourite things to do whenever I came to London would be to visit with Christopher and Gitte where he would regale me for hours with stories about his extraordinary life. I loved to listen to them and he loved to tell them - they were made all the more compelling because they were true - stories from his time with the SAS, through the Second World War, to the Hammer Horror years and later, his work with Tim Burton - of which he was enormously proud.

I was lucky enough to work with Chris on five films all told and it never ceased to be a thrill to see him on set. I remember him saying on my 40th Birthday (he was 80 at the time), “You’re half the man I am”. Being half the man Christopher Lee is, is more than I could ever hope for. He was a true gentleman, in an era that no longer values gentleman.

I grew up loving Christopher Lee movies. For most of my life I was enthralled by the great iconic roles he not only created - but continued to own decades later. But somewhere along the way Christopher Lee suddenly, and magically, dissolved away and he became my friend, Chris. And I loved Chris even more.

There will never be another Christopher Lee. He has a unique place in the history of cinema and in the hearts of millions of fans around the world.

The world will be a lesser place without him in it.

My deepest sympathies to Gitte and to his family and friends.

Rest in peace, Chris.

An icon of cinema has passed into legend.

Peter Jackson

... a ještě velmi krásné interview s PJ, cca půl roku poté: ... topher-lee

10 nejslavnějších rolí CL: ... est-roles/

Vzpomínka: ... f_reality/

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon zář 26, 2016 7:17 pm 
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Něco veselejšího, než poslední dva vstupy: i prestižnímu The Telegraphu jsme stáli za zmínku o dvoudenním larpu na téma Bitva pěti armád, který se konal u nás: ... ch-forest/

.... a ještě o dámách, tedy ženských charakterech v LOTR: ... bits-alike
staženo z

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon zář 26, 2016 7:54 pm 
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Třetí příspěvek dneska, jak se vracím zpátky v čase:

ukázka z Extended edition BOTFA:

... a takhle vypadala premiéra prodloužené verze pro vybrané fanoušky: ... in-london/

Pro jazykoznalce: jak mluviti s draky 8) ... -a-dragon/

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon led 02, 2017 10:18 am 
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Další z poezie inspirované TH, ze stránky TORN:

The Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities

by: Luke T

“Who dares entering my domain?
Who is so bold to take my gold?
I am the king of the mountain,
who slayed all warriors of old.

Well thief, where are you? Show yourself!
You’re caught in the dead of night.
I smell you, and I hear your breath!
Don’t be shy, step into the light!

Do you think you can deceive me?
I know you stole something of mine.
One of my precious golden cups,
nicely crafted and shining so fine.

You will take nothing from me, thief.
You and your friends will not succeed.
I’ve eaten your little ponies,
and will punish you for your misdeed.

Do not think you can take revenge,
the old king of this hall is dead.
I ate his people like a wolf,
and the rest fled from me with dread.

You see: my armor is like iron,
I can’t be pierced by a single blade.
Trust me, I feel completely safe
from your brave little Dwarvish raid.

For my teeth are swords, my claws spears,
and my wings a hurricane, so strong.
This quest for Erebor has failed,
your people have never been so wrong.

And I know who assisted you:
those lowly men of the long lake.
It’s time to pay them a visit,
they will all fear the fire drake.

They should not have listened to him,
this lord of the silver fountain.
Now they will pay homage to me,
the true king under the mountain!”

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon led 02, 2017 10:28 am 
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Nejenom, že letos uplyne 15 let (!!!) od premiéry LOTRa, ale i novozélandský turistický průmysl slaví, však má důvod.
Jedna z věcí, kromě videí, jak se chovat v letadle, jsou i doporučení herců z LOTRa a Hobbita:

15 stars from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies share their love for New Zealand.

To celebrate the 15 Year Anniversary of New Zealand being the real Middle-earth 15 stars from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies share their love for New Zealand.

Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf)

“This is the Middle-earth I had always pictured. How can New Zealand not bewitch anyone who visits !?”

Sir Peter Jackson (Director)

“New Zealand has such a variety of landscapes from lush green forests, to soaring mountains. The grandeur of these landscapes saw tourists flock to our shores, and made a huge impact on the tourism industry. New Zealand is the perfect Middle-earth and a real place that visitors can experience for years and years to come.”

Andy Serkis (Gollum)

“My favourite thing about New Zealand geography is that you can drive 50 minutes in one direction and be in a completely new geographic location – what is that called where you have specific pockets – like you are in deserts then suddenly in rain forest!?”

Hugo Weaving (Elrond)

“I love coming here (New Zealand) I think the people here are just wonderful very spirited and creative and very welcoming.”

Benedict Cumberbatch (Smaug and the Necromancer)

“I had about a week off and I went down to Queenstown, and had a fantastic time. And I went sky diving, I went paragliding, I went down a luge and the Shotover Jet around the rapids and … I mean I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie so I kinda loved the great outdoors.”

Orlando Bloom (Legolas)

“I look forward to getting back to New Zealand on numerous occasions as my son grows up. Who knows, I might even end up living in New Zealand one day because it’s a remarkable place.”

Luke Evans (Bard)

“A few of us – me, Jimmy Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman - hired a house in Marlborough and went wine tasting. It was an absolutely glorious, amazing way to spend a weekend. Tasting the exquisite wine – was absolutely wonderful - that’s a really great place to visit.”

Evangeline Lilly (Tauriel)

“It is more incredible than you can describe- more beautiful than I know how to put into words - truly and utterly breath-taking.”

Billy Boyd (Pippin)

“It’s sort of like the movies are another layer to New Zealand…the Maori culture is so amazing, obviously the scenery is maybe the greatest in the world, the people are amazing, and then on top of that you have the legacy of The Lord of the Rings films – that people now call New Zealand Middle-earth is wonderful.”

Martin Freeman (Bilbo)

“The beauty of it (New Zealand) was not lost on us and the fact that it looked like CGI … kinda looked more perfect than nature, it was just funny because we were just looking at mountains thinking no one is going to believe this is real.”

Sylvester McCoy (Radagast)

“It’s real. It’s the real countryside – but at first you think wow what a great job they made – (Nokomai Bog) but it’s not, it’s the real thing."

Richard Armitage (Thorin)

“I would say to people coming to NZ - do some research – depending how much time you’ve got – get out and walk – do the Tongariro crossing – if you can afford to get up in the air somehow in a helicopter – see some of those volcanoes from the air – if not then drive in the South Island– drive to Milford Sound and get on a boat – it is the most extraordinary landscape I’ve ever been to.”

Graham McTavish (Dwalin)[/b][/b]

“I took a photo that I sent to some friends - ‘dwarves on vacation’ and they refused to believe that this was an actual photograph that I hadn’t photo-shopped it – “that place doesn’t exist”. And I was standing in it.”

James Nesbitt (Bofur)

“You know when we all went to Queenstown I’d never been there before and it was just astonishing- I mean a beautiful jewel really at the bottom of the world.”

Elijah Wood (Frodo)

“I’ll never forget that feeling of coming to Hobbiton the first time…there’s so many feelings of nostalgia and history. You can just look and see there’s no having to finish the illusion – it’s just here. The experience of making Rings will always be one of the greatest experiences of my life - the connection to the country, New Zealand.”

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon led 30, 2017 11:03 am 
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V sedmdesáti sedmi letech zemřel John Hurt, známý nejenom z Vetřelce a dalších rolí, celkem jich odehrál přes dvě stě (postavu z Vetřelce parodoval ve Spaceballs). Dvakrát byl nominován na Oscara, jednou za titulní roli ve filmu Sloní muž a pak za roli ve snímku Midnight Express.

A proč to zmiňuji?
Namluvil Aragorna v animované verzi Pána prstenů, tedy té části, která byla natočena:

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pát bře 10, 2017 9:43 pm 
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Další várka poezie inspirované Hobbitem a Pánem prstenů, ze serveru The One Ring Net:

No Longer Twain

by: Noriah

In a hand
Soft and small
A deadly band
To rule them all

My Master calls
Please don’t let go
From hand I fall
Must this be so?

Down I fall
Through dark and deep
Toward fire
And never ending sleep

The fire, it melts
My soul destroyed
My hope is gone
Here comes the Void

For ever and after
Thus we remain
My master and I
No longer twain

~~ * ~~

Down the Rolling River

by: Emmitt Thatcher

Down the rolling river,
where the willow grows.
Just across the water,
where the suns reflection glows.

Down the rolling river,
lies an old man’s grave.
Just beneath the shady oak,
where protective branches wave.

There the old man lies,
just beside the path.
Under summer and winter skies
just beneath the earth.

There he will lay forever,
wrapped in death’s embrace.
The old man of the forest,
lost to time and space.

He was the first to mourn the winter,
the first to celebrate in spring.
The rain gave him cause to rejoice,
the wind had made him sing.

The sound of his laughter,
rolled over the hills.
Throughout the forest his songs could be heard,
springing forth at will.

Age had lost its hold on him.
his wisdom of time unknown.
The forest was his kingdom,
the mountains were his home.

His eyes reflected the starry night,
in them wisdom shown.
In his smile was such joy,
that none have ever known.

But the pain of the world tore his heart,
it drained his life away.
For he who loved the world so much,
became sorrows greatest prey.

Now his song has ended,
his laughter is no more.
His wisdom has now faded,
his memory lost to the time of yore.

Down the rolling river,
lies an old man’s grave.
Just beneath the shady oak,
where protective branches wave.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pát bře 10, 2017 9:52 pm 
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Viggo Mortensen byl nominován za mužský herecký výkon ve filmu Captain Fantastic na cenu BAFTA. Neproměnil, ale pozval bývalé kolegy na večeři: ... 00x200.jpg

Prý mu volali, jak se dozvěděli o nominaci. Pěkné, není-liž?
Interview, kde to zmiňuje:

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: sob dub 15, 2017 2:58 pm 
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Marischka píše:
V sedmdesáti sedmi letech zemřel John Hurt, známý nejenom z Vetřelce a dalších rolí, celkem jich odehrál přes dvě stě (postavu z Vetřelce parodoval ve Spaceballs). Dvakrát byl nominován na Oscara, jednou za titulní roli ve filmu Sloní muž a pak za roli ve snímku Midnight Express.

A proč to zmiňuji?
Namluvil Aragorna v animované verzi Pána prstenů, tedy té části, která byla natočena:

Pro mě film "Vetřelec" je stále na prvních místech mojí filmotéky. Film natočený před cca 30 lety a je to skvělá práce, dokonalá atmosféra.
Jinak divím se, že se animovaný Pán prstenů u nás vůbec neukázal.

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: úte kvě 23, 2017 7:18 pm 
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Animovaného Pána prstenů jsem taky nezachytila, jen na netu. Možná proto, že příběh není úplný nebo si někdo myslel, že to nikdo nezná :roll: .

K Vetřelci: přesně tak, prvně jsem ho viděla v letním kině a od té doby je pro mě klasika. Další díly byly pořád dobrý, i když první film byl podle mě nejlepší.
Ten poslední, co má premiéru teď, jsem neviděla,...

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: ned říj 29, 2017 9:59 pm 
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WETA Workshop vytvářejí sošky postav z Hobbita a velmi zdařile. Toto je Thorin - neuvěřitelné podrobnosti a výraz tváře. Vlastní popis začne cca ve 4:30 záznamu.

Vytvořili další sběratelské kousky, v počtu cca 500 ks á cca 500 USD/ks.
Ork z Dol Gulduru, vlastní popis po cca 3. minutě:

Upraveno 31.10.:

Ústa Sauronova - neuvěřitelně propracované! Vlastní popis začne jako obvykle po zhruba 3 minutách.

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: sob bře 31, 2018 2:39 pm 
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Další amatérská poezie ze stránky

A Legend from Times Forgotten

by: Quimey DA

Neither sword nor bow
Could tell the fate
Of those lands that
Where under moon, and under spell.

The brightest steel, of mighty spears
Could not undone, what had been made.
The kingdoms there, they felt the doom
And fear then, filled all their souls.

For It was made with malice great
The heart so dark, in turmoil burned.
The other one deceived and slain
His name preserved, beyond the times of mortal lands.

He looked for it, no rest no sleep
His army bound to the oath they took
To fear the One and to serve Him
Behind the walls, and towers dim.

It called him loud, He could not hear
But swift as wind, nine horses sped
To lands unknown, in quest for it
To look for him who stole the fire
And wields the wicked, almighty power.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: sob bře 31, 2018 2:48 pm 
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Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: pon črc 02, 2018 12:19 pm 
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~~ * ~~
These Eyes

by David McG.

As I look beneath this Middle Earth with these Dwarven eyes.
I see the dense bones of its form and the strength that’s held inside.
The jewelled and precious structures, that bedeck it’s hidden frame.
Of diamonds and of sapphires bright that glitter there like flame.
Strands of silver Mithril that provide sinew to the bone
And granite for the muscle in which we Dwarves call home.
These eyes they see the wonder of this glittering, wondrous land.
A place for all the Dwarven Kin carved out by Durin’s hand.

As I look beyond this Middle Earth with these Elven eyes.
I see the vast and swirling plains where the Mearas ran with pride.
The towering snow capped mountain peaks where the Eagles fly above .
Across the seas to Valinor, the Isle where dwells my love.
Towers of great stone cities stand imposing and so grand.
To homely, concealed Hobbit Smials that blend in with this land.
These eyes they see vast distant shores that surround these ageing lands.
There’s no place now for Elfinesse, began by Eru’s hand.

As I look across this Middle Earth with these eyes of Man.
I see a world whose beauty scarred, still stands the test of time.
Where ancient realms and new world meet for us to make our own.
And stake our claim to these readied lands with our Crowned King on the throne.
They look towards the North and South, and across both East and West.
A long time waiting for our time but we finally passed the test.
These eyes they see opportunity throughout a new free land.
We’ll make it ours and ours alone, this land now built by Man.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: čtv srp 02, 2018 11:20 am 
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Další báseň ze stránky theonering. net, tentokrát na motivy mé oblíbené scény se zelenými příšerkami z ROTK a škoda, že sem nejde dát zvuk: "The way is shut".

The Dead of Dunharrow

by David McG

Who comes to disturb our rest?
Who dares to enter our hall?
Whose voice does the silence seek to break ?
Are you the one to whom we answer the call?

The way is shut.
It was made by those who are Dead.
And the Dead keep it.
Until the time comes
The way is shut.

Eons we’ve waited to repent our shame.
In twilight forgotten and lost.
Awaiting the call from Isildurs last heir.
Whose allegiance we forsook to our cost

The way is shut.
It was made by those who are Dead.
And the Dead keep it.
Until the time comes
The way is shut.

Redemption we seek to salvage some honour
Final rest from the curse of the stone
At Erech we will meet to renew our vow
That this King will not fight alone!

The way is shut.
It was made by those who are Dead.
And the Dead keep it.
Until the time comes
The way is shut.

We will follow out into the night now
We will march with this King to the sea
We will open all paths blocked before him
We bring terror and fear as our key!

The way is open.
It was made by those who are Free.
And the Free keep it.
The time has come
The way is open!.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: stř říj 10, 2018 1:35 pm 
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Snad nejkratší svěží dílko - báseň ze stránky theonering. net:

The March of the Ents

by: Lou B.

Treebeard sang on his way
to Nan Curunír full of hate,
rage, sadness and love

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: The Hobbit 1 & 2
OdeslatNapsal: ned kvě 05, 2019 2:17 pm 
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‘Radagast the Brown’

by D. McG

I have no time for Elvish folk
with their starstruck Elven ways.
Their monuments to their ancient lands
And fading glory days.

Nor do I care too much for Dwarves
And their love for digging deep.
Seeking treasures far underground
And the secrets that they keep.

Men and Orcs seem much alike
With their appetite for destruction.
Hunting, farming, grabbing land
Causing such a ruction!

Give me the company of the lovers of life.
No conflicts, no agenda to please.
Like the deer cavorting in open fields
Or the birds that sing in the trees.

Natures harvest provides the feast
Fruits so sweet and ripe
Along with the power to connect all things
Smoked within my pipe!

~~ * ~~

The Walk to Bree

by David McG.

I met a wise old Hobbit on the winding path to Bree.
And as we strolled down woodland paths he began to sing to me.
He sang of high adventure, of friendship and of woe.
Of how he’d helped to save this world, many years ago.

The song it told a stirring tale as we seemed to float along.
Down ancient paths and long lost towns now living in his song.
He sang of safe security and days of endless fun.
And how that changed the fateful day his friends were forced to run.

From Hobbiton to Gondor’s halls his song it told the tale.
Of the greatest Hobbit who ever lived and a mission seemed doomed to fail.
The lifelong friends he came to make and those he’d come to lose.
And the terrible fate that haunted them all, and dark paths they had to chose.

The song unfolded a wondrous tale of his life spent in the Shire.
From farmers fields to Dragon’s Inn and feasting round a fire.
A long expected party, to honour a life long friend.
And the forming of a Fellowship, that stayed true to journey’s end.

He sang the tale of the Crownless King whose rule had long seemed lost.
A Captain who had saved them all, but paid a terrible cost
The mighty Ents, the Shepherds of Trees. White Wizard with a dark desire.
And a ring of gold that consumed all will, forged in a mountain of fire!

The pathway grew much darker as he sang of battles grand.
Hard fought by all the free folk assailed throughout the land.
The horrors at the Hornburg, Osgiliath overrun.
The last ride of the Rohirrim and the beating of the drum.
The Battle of the Pelennor, the fight to seal all fate.
The last march of all Free Folk to tear down the Dark Lord’s gate.

The shadows they all lifted and the sun shone brightly down.
Then a beaming smile lit the Hobbits face as we came into Bree town.
Into the Prancing Pony, a bustling, ancient Inn.
And he toasted as he raised his beer “Let adventure new begin!”

And there stood the ‘Citadel Guardian’
And there stood the ‘Fool of a Took!’
And there stood the ‘Defeater of Wizards’
As told in the Westmarch Red Book.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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