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OdeslatNapsal: pon led 13, 2020 7:44 pm 
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Z http://www.theonering net:

Long Roads

by: T. Frye

The long road lies before you,
a far journey to reach your goal.
Miles of endless traveling,
but take comfort, O weary Soul.

Though you may seem from nowhere,
Where you stand and where you’ve been
It’s slow and steady progress,
not a race that you must win.
All short-cuts with little traveling,
lead nowhere in the end.

So, if the road seems long, now.
And the journey much too tough.
Remember, gems and jewels,
are cut from rougher stuff.

And though it’s quite a struggle,
with Apathy a constant foe.
It’s the journey on the longer roads,
that helps your soul to grow.

So stay steady on your journey,
and surely you’ll succeed,
and claim the golden harvest,
where before were only seeds.

Copyright 1999


by Idril

By the fire in Elven halls.
Mournful songs by Rauros falls.
Cold and snow on mountain peak.
A Dwarf strong and Hobbits weak.
Men proud and a Wizard wise.
Fleeing Crebain in the skies.


Sausages and taters cook.
Filling canteens from the brook.
Fierce Wolves howling in the night.
Arrows fly and axes bite.
Glowing runes upon a door.
Midges biting in a moor.


Tossing jokes from mouth to mouth.
Blocked by spies from passage South.
Teaching Little Ones to spar.
Thinking of the Evenstar.
Wand’ring through the caverns deep.
Balrog woke from deathless sleep.


Splashing through the Nimrodel,
Frequent orc attacks repel.
Meeting elves within the trees.
Worries for a while ease.
Lady White searches the heart.
Sees each person’s future part.


One will fall but not despair.
Two will in the forest fare.
One will claim an ancient crown.
Two will never let him down.
One will life itself rebirth.
Two will save all Middle-Earth.


~~ * ~~

The Enemy!

by David McGlinchey

Far seeing,
(Without looking.)
Secrets hearing,
(Without listening.)
Far reaching,
(Without moving)

The Enemy moves amongst us!

Whispered threats,
(Without speaking.)
Visions sent,
(Without showing.)
Armies building,
(Without recruiting)

The Enemy is here!

~~ * ~~

The Mirror

by D. McGlinchey

Dare you look into the mirror?
Do you seek to know your fate?
Are you holding on to the life you know?
Or is your quest now far too late?

Have no fear young Hobbit
The mirror is just a guide.
What has gone and what’s to come
Is not always shown inside.

The journey on is lined with fear
But ‘hope’ will see you through.
Your friends are only here for love.
You know what you must do.

Dare you look into the mirror?
Do you seek to know your fate?
Are you holding on to the life you know?
Or is your quest now far too late?

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: pát úno 07, 2020 1:50 pm 
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Další měsíční várka z


by David McGlinchey

Dimmer now the light of day
Less bright the stars at night
Sparser grow the woods and plant’s
For the Elves have gone away.

Less beauty now to look upon
More haste to get things done.
No care to share for others around.
For the Ents now too have gone.

No words of power for moonlight door.
No Blue, Grey, Brown or White
No reasoned words to guide us on
When Istari remove their light.

~~ * ~~

A Hobbits Poem

by: Sarah W.

Far o’er the Misty Mountains cold
Where Smaug sleeps upon a lair of gold
A burglar hides with the One Ring
Nothing to aid him, but trusty Sting

Soon the dragon wakes and leaves his den
Heads for Lake Town, anger aimed for men
Bard the bowman shoots, Smaug falls dead
But Thorin still yearns for a crown on his head

They wish for a share of wealth, men and elves alike
Long they tarry, ere they strike
Soon come goblins and orcs from caves below
From below the mountains, their hearts hollow

Battle cries ring sharply in the air
Mere minutes pass, ere Dain and his dwarves are there
Burglar slips away from what he sees
Wishing to be home, by the fire, sipping tea

All ends, but not in fire, and victory crawls near
With parting farewells, Bilbo heads back to his hole so dear
The war is over the journey is done
For now evil is gone, there is nothing to fear

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: úte čer 02, 2020 5:00 pm 
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Znovu z www.

Helm the Hammerhand

by D. McGlinchey

Over Suthburg’s walls the snow fell thick, covering a land of despair.
Whilst throughout the barren and cheerless halls,
Cold death had filled the air.
For the pride of his people had Helm smote King Freca, High Lord of the Dunlending race.
In challenging his right to the Rohirrim lands and insulting his fair daughters grace.

Soon Edoras had fallen to Freca’s son Wulf, with Dunlending’s and Corsair’s conspiring.
At the Great Golden Hall, Prince Haleth had died, in honour with courage inspiring.
Whilst down by the Isen his fathers fate turned.
Defeated, retreated to Suthburg’s high walls,
Whilst the rest of the Riddermark burned.

Desperate, surrounded with no help to call, Helm defended his folks last great keep.
With fire in his eyes and steel in his fists,
His enemies lives he would reap!
For such was the fear in the enemies camp
Of the Suthburg’s ‘Dark Wraith of the Snow’.
The ‘Hammerhand’ some said of the Rohirrim King
Who killed all he faced with one blow!

The terrible long winter would not let them go, famine and disease soon descending.
Yet still Helm strode out like a fearsome Snow Troll,
With fury and vengeance unending!
Bitter the wind and the ice and the gales,
And the fuel of his rage spurred him on.
But one man cannot bitter East winds long withstand.
Soon the fire in his heart it was gone.

Frozen in death but still ready to fight, the legend of Helm it has grown.
And from out of the Hornburg his spirit will rise,
Whenever the Great War Horn is blown.
To the Mound of the Kings was Helms body returned,
With reverence to sleep the long sleep.
Forever remembered and beloved of his folk.
Whom he’d helped to survive at ‘Helms’ Deep.

~~ * ~~

The lonely shepherd

by David McGlinchey

I watch the sunrise.
I have watched it from the First Age.
And you, you were there at my side and would always sing at it’s rising.
But the days dawning is silent now.

You are gone.

I would wander out amongst the growing woods and trees.
Coaxing them,
Befriending them,
Teaching them to talk.

We were as one.

You, my love, would show them the beauty of the fruit and the flower.
Sharing your gift with your sisters in bringing colour and joy to this new world.
Bringing an order to the hills and vales.

Divided now by brown earth and stone.

We were the guardians.
Charged with protecting the forests and trees.
Faithfully we have tended to their needs
Though none, there seemed, stood by us.
Driven away you were with the rising of the Darkness.

I am alone

Your name alone brings me comfort.
We are fated to meet ere the setting of the last sun.
I know this will be I will wait.
Until that day though.

I am alone.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: úte črc 07, 2020 9:05 pm 
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Tentokrát to bude ocitovaný Tolkien, Cesta jde dál a dál,... na památku Sira Iana Holma:

In loving memory of Sir Ian Holm

Roads go ever ever on,

Over rock and under tree,

By caves where never sun has shone,

By streams that never find the sea;

Over snow by winter sown,

And through the merry flowers of June,

Over grass and over stone,

And under mountains of the moon.

Roads go ever ever on

Under cloud and under star,

Yet feet that wandering have gone

Turn at last to home afar.

Eyes that fire and sword have seen

And horror in the halls of stone

Look at last on meadows green

And trees and hills they long have known.

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: ned led 03, 2021 5:58 pm 
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Jako vždy z, tentokrát jde o báseň, která se týká okamžiku před vstupem do Morie, kdy je v jezeře Stážce - Watcher, ale dá se to vzít i obecně:

Don’t disturb the water

By D.McGlinchey

Don’t disturb the water, it is best to leave It be.
For I fear there’s something hid within its quiet serenity.
Don’t disturb the water, come away now we must go.
I know the calmness of the top can hide turbulence below.
Don’t disturb the water, something’s watching as we go.
Hasten now from the waters edge ere it drags us down below.

~~ * ~~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: čtv dub 01, 2021 7:00 pm 
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Sice to není báseň, ale poetické to je:

“He replaced the idea of wanting to be liked with the idea of becoming accomplished. Instead of being interested in being popular, he became interested in being intelligent. And instead of wanting to be powerful, he became interested in being useful. He said to himself: ‘Not everyone will like me. But there will be those who will accept me just for what I am. I will develop myself to such a point of excellence, intelligence, and brilliance that I can see through any problem and deal with any crisis. I will become such a master of my own abilities and career that there will be a place for me. People of all races will need me and not be able to do without me.’ And that’s just what he did.”

Leonard Nimoy, explaining how Spock dealt with prejudice aimed at his Vulcan-human parentage

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: úte črc 06, 2021 4:07 pm 
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A poem of “Riddles in the Dark”

by MA Corkery

Riddles in darkness, hobbit and ring
What object is this? Have I found some new bling?
It’s shiny, and gold and I think very old
But there is something more to it that can’t quite be told
Will it bring power, joy, or wealth?
Can it save me from this dark goblin house?
These questions, they run in my mind as I ask,
“What have I got in my pocket?”
Riddles in darkness, hobbit and ring
What is this creature, this non-goblin thing?
Is it tasty, will it be a good snack?
My precious let’s see and then swiftly attack
Now it is riddles: teeth, daisies, and time
We’ll answer his questions and then he’ll be mine
But wait, where have you gone? Did I lose you somehow?
My precious where are you, I cry out aloud
I look at this morsel, this non-goblin thing
Just maybe, perhaps, he has taken my ring
Riddles in darkness, hobbit, and ring
I am one step closer to my dark lord and king
The darkness is coming, he’ll find me I know
And in the darkness binding he’ll grow and he’ll grow
Riddles in darkness, hobbit and ring
Remember with winter there is always a spring
No matter the darkness, no matter the might
There will always be hope and good fighting the fight

~ * ~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: pon zář 06, 2021 9:27 am 
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Od autora, který na http://www.theonering net přispívá dost často:

The Cabin
by: Tom Frye

When the world troubles me,
and all good thoughts have fled,
I venture off to visit,
the cabin inside my head.

Seated before a woodstove,
gazing at radiant coals,
I sip slowly at my coffee,
not worried by endless goals.

High up within the mountains,
nestled beside a brook,
my entrance, a round doorway,
similar to that Hobbit book.

Sanctuary, peaceful haven,
surrounded by fragrant pines,
when I’m in need of solitude,
it’s stored inside my mind.

I do not travel far,
to fish, to read, to dream.
I merely close my eyes,
conjuring a magical scene.

Sunsets and brilliant sunrises,
appear beyond green hills,
mist above blue waters,
helps me to gather the Still.

When the storm comes calling,
I quietly slip away,
to that nearby cabin,
in a solitary, peaceful bay.

© Copyright 2018 by Tom Frye

Lady Forest
by: Tom Frye

Kissed by the sun, embraced by the morning,
The Forest sheds her cloak of Night.
She slips into a gown of mist,
She wove herself, by Morning light.

In Amber rays, the Forest dances,
In hidden glens within the hills.
Barefoot, she glides through open meadows,
Tip-toes her way past silver rills.

Her gown of mist trails behind her,
Fluttering in the morning wind,
Adorned with gems and sparkling jewels.
The rising sun did surely send.

© Copyright 2000 by Tom Frye

~ * ~

Obrázek Obrázek

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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Básničky
OdeslatNapsal: pát říj 01, 2021 8:38 pm 
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Opět Tom Frye z

Treasures of the Road
by: Tom Frye

Jewels by the roadside.
Gems in the stream.
They glimmer
and they glisten.
They beckon
and they scream,

“Come off your road,
O Traveler,
for in us you will find.
Treasure for your pockets
and peace to rule your mind.”

But once you’ve
left the roadside,
to find them
and lost your way.
The jewels will
turn to stone,
the gems will turn to clay.

© Copyright 1995 by Tom Frye

~ * ~

Obrázek Obrázek

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